Tuition & Payment

A NON-REFUNDABLE, NON-TRANSFERABLE REGISTRATION FEE IS DUE WITH ALL NEW STUDENT ENROLLMENT APPLICATIONS OF $100; this fee will be applied toward your students Curriculum Fees. This fee is due no later than 60 days prior to the new school year when your students is starting at the beginning of the school year. Transfer made during the school year will be addressed directly with you by the School adminstrator.

Tuition Schedule for All Grades and Classes

Tuition for Kindergarten - 12th grade will be made in 10 payments of $425 monthly for 10 months for a total of $4,250.00 for the school year. (THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE CURRICULUM WHICH VARIES BASED ON GRADE.)
(or payments will begin at the time of enrollment during the school year)
There is a one-time annual book fee that is required for all students. (see below for more information about curriculum fees)
The first payment is due on or before the 1st day of August (or at the time of registration if later than August 1).
Remaining payments will be due the first of each month.
Payments not made by the tenth of each month will result in a late fee of $15.00.

CURRICULUM FEES: (This is fee is paid once annually and is due no later than 30 days prior to new school year.)

1ST GRADE - $400.00
2ND GRADE - $400.00
3RD GRADE - $400.00
4TH GRADE - $415.00
5TH GRADE - $350.00
6TH GRADE - $350.00
7TH GRADE - $350.00
8TH GRADE - $350.00
9TH GRADE - $350.00
10TH GRADE - $400.00
11TH GRADE - $425.00
12TH GRADE - $475.00


All money paid is non-refundable nor transferable for any reason.


River Christian School Rules to Follow:
  • If you can’t say something nice, please do not say anything at all. Edify (to lift up) your classmates and respect your teachers!
  • Keep your hands to yourself.
  • Cheating is not tolerated. Keep your eyes on your own paper. Don’t seek answers online. This only cheats YOU and YOUR education.
  • ANY form of BULLYING is NOT ALLOWED! Verbal, physical, in person or cyber are included in this!
  • Cellphones will only be allowed at teacher’s discretion. There will be a place for each student to leave their phones until allowed otherwise.
  • Absolutely Zero tolerance for disrespecting faculty. If an issue arises, we expect to be notified immediately so that any issues can be addressed and resolved quickly and prayerfully. We don’t want any issues to have time to fester.
Consequences to breaking rules:
  • First strike of breaking any of the rules will result in writing a one page essay assigned at time of strike. (so that the punishment will fit the crime, so to speak) – parent will be notified so that there are no surprises.
  • 2nd Strike will result in a parent meeting and 1 day suspension.
  • 3rd Strike will result in a meeting, 1 week suspension, and probation for the remainder of the year.
  • If a rule is broken for the 4th time, you will no longer attend River Christian School.

We take this very serious and will investigate all issues that arise. This is for the sake of our school, staff, and especially our students. If boundaries aren’t kept, chaos occurs and it encourages others to follow.
Our goal is to maintain a Christian environment, especially in the face of difficult situations. We will show grace and mercy, but at the end of the day, our rules are in place to provide a safe and healthy environment for students and teachers.

Our Classrooms will be monitored with Video and Audio recording; we have taken this measure in order to better protect our teachers and students.


RCS allows students to wear any clothing of their choice with the following guidelines considered: no spaghetti straps or tank tops, no bare midriffs, no pants with revealing holes above the knee, no shirts with advertisements or inappropriate wording and shorts/skirts must be fingertip length. If wearing leggings, shirts/tops must cover backsides. Modesty is important here at RCS, but so is individuality (within reason). Dress code will be strictly enforced.